who we are

City Palace Biratnagar is the ideal spot for any social or business event that requires a distinctive setting with cutting-edge infrastructure, technology, internet access, and meeting concierge services.

Moreover, you can rely entirely on City Palace for specialised event services; we guarantee the success of any special event, whether a marriage ceremony or a birthday party.

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City Palace Hotel & Resort


what we provide

We offer hotel and party reservation services. We guarantee the success of your special event with our excellent facilities and services.

  • The best venue in city(Biratnagar) - City palace and Resort

    Banquet hall booking

    We offer bookings for Marriage, Parties, and Ceremonies with fooding facilities.

    Book Now
  • The best place to enjoy pool parties -citypalace.com.np

    Pool Parties

    All our pool parties are organized according to our guests’ requirements.

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  • City Palace Hotel & Resort

    Restaurant & Bar

    All the Asian, Indian and global cuisines are represented in restaurants that provide organic, and regularly-changing specials.

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  • The best venue in city(Biratnagar) - City palace and Resort

    Banquet Hall Capacity 700

    We offer bookings for Marriage, Parties, and Ceremonies with fooding facilities.

    Book Now
  • Banquet Hall - citypalace.com.np

    Banquet Hall Capacity 400 Seating Arrangement

    We offer bookings for Marriage, Parties, and Ceremonies with fooding facilities.

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  • City Palace Hotel & Resort

    Super Deluxe Rooms

    City Palace and Resort Biratnagar, super deluxe rooms offer you the ultimate in comfort and luxury.

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  • City Palace Hotel & Resort

    Deluxe Rooms

    Enjoy the airy, luxurious, and gracefully designed deluxe rooms of City Palace and Resort Biratnagar.

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  • City Palace Hotel & Resort

    Family Rooms

    Family rooms at City Palace and Resort are aesthetically designed to maximise space and comfort.

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  • City Palace Hotel & Resort

    Beauty Parlour

    City Palace and Resort Biratnagar also have a beauty salon service.

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  • Game Zone

    It is specially designed for kids to have fun during their stay here.

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who we are

City Palace Biratnagar is the ideal spot for any social or business event that requires a distinctive setting with cutting-edge infrastructure, technology, internet access, and meeting concierge services.

Moreover, you can rely entirely on City Palace for specialised event services; we guarantee the success of any special event, whether a marriage ceremony or a birthday party.

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City Palace Hotel & Resort



Our selection of hotel services is extensive. We provide a variety of great features.

City Palace Hotel & Resort

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Enough Space

(38,108 Sq. ft.)

Pool Party Area

(4,000 Sq. ft)

Bulk Food Arrangement

(Veg. Only)

Children Play Ground


our blogs

Our latest successfully organized events

3 days of “Agrashen Bhagwat” organized from 26th December to 28th December

3 days of “Agrashen Bhagwat” organized from 26th December to 28th December

नेपाल चलचित्रकर्मी महासंघ,प्रदेश न.१

नेपाल चलचित्रकर्मी महासंघ,प्रदेश न.१

आन्तरिक मामिला तथा कानुन मन्त्रालय, कोशी प्रदेशको आयोजना तथा नेपाल चलचित्रकर्मी महासंघ,प्रदेश न.१ को व्यवस्थापनमा सम्पन्न चलचित्र महोत्सव २०८१ बिराटनगरमा भव्यताको साथ सम्पन्न भएको छ । सम्पुर्ण सहयोगी महानुभावहरुलाई हार्दिक धन्यवाद ।

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